CERSAIE 2022: news and trends in the ceramic sector
Cersaie 2022, the international fair of ceramics and bathroom furnishings, has ended with an excellent balance in terms of turnout and public interest. But what were the trends that emerged from the fair in terms of ceramic floor and wall tiles?

If at Cersaie 2021 the theme of nature had represented perhaps the most significant trend in the world of tiles, this year the creative spirit of the producers has been perhaps a little less active as concerns about the rising gas and raw material prices probably have had repercussions on laboratories and research studies. As a result, we have mostly witnessed a revival of last years products and themes, with some significant differences, which have given rise to interesting stoneware and ceramic floor and wall tiles.

Stone effect tiles, big colorful decor tiles and concrete effect stoneware have once again taken the limelight to the disadvantage of wood-effect stoneware, which has now saturated its supply capacity, coming from a decade of an undisputed domination of the market.
The common thread that connects the new 2022 proposals and unites the different types of products is the predominant use of effects that are related with nature. Jungle or botanicaldecors have in fact been re-proposed both on large slabs and on medium sizes, enriching them with glossy reliefs. Marbles with classy and realistic veins, slightly glossy veins that emphasise the few new wood-effect products, material surfaces and structures that blend to create hyper-realistic stone-effect bathroom coverings, these are all examples of the creative directions in which companies are leaning towards: creating new products by starting from already existing trends.

Another recurring theme of this Cersaie 2022 was the return to a much more intense use of colour than in the past. After the being fed up of the entire range of beige tones, that has been with our stylistic offers of stoneware floor and wall tiles for the last 10 years, in this year's International Ceramics Exhibition nearly all the companies have experimented with the theme of colour. From bathroom cement tiles with mediterranean colours, , to solid colour tiles in small sizes, from the return of the metal effect with oxidized-looking stoneware slabs to coloured concrete tiles, all new offers have a focus on colour.
If the re-proposition of the majolica brick in stoneware has been offered by almost every brand, we have also been able to notice original trends by high tier wall tile companies, such as Tonalite or Quintessenza Ceramiche, but also marble-effect slabs with bright colours in the shades of blue and green.

All in all, we came out of this Cersaie with the awareness that the sector is still very active and thriving, despite the recent events and difficulties, which have perhaps left a mark, attenuating the creative vein of the designers and pushing them towards a more reassuring recreation of the past offers, working a lot on high-quality graphics, instead of venturing into completely new products.